Specter 2 GUI
LINK https://urloso.com/2tl0uy
No you don't have to worry unless you plan to run specter as a public service on the internet with a growing number of people using it. That was traditionally the use-case for web-apps: Run in the open public internet getting accessed by MANY people. However, that's not how specter is meant to be used. If people get performance issues, it's most likely not because the user-base is growing on their specter but because their Raspberry Pi is too weak for that one user who is doing all sorts of other stuff on that Pi on top.
Currently, you can create a hot wallet from within the specter-desktop UI, but at the moment it's not possible to extract XPUBs from the existing Core wallet, and without XPUBs change verification will break in all hardware wallets. Change address verification in multisig on a hardware wallet requires ability to check that change and inputs were derived from the same XPUBs. Without XPUBs all hardware wallets will show two outputs so you never know if the change output is actually change or not.
With that being said, wallets created by Bitcoin Core always use hardened derivations, so they don't have useful XPUBs - this breaks multisig address verification on hardware wallets and thus can't verify change addresses. Therefore specter-desktop is creating a Bitcoin Core hot wallet differently - it generates a BIP39 recovery phrase, loads XPRVs to Core and XPUBs to specter-desktop. Then it can be used as a part of multisig setup as usual.
The seed is generated by specter-desktop and then it's imported in a Bitcoin Core wallet, but instead of watch-only it's an XPRV imported using descriptors. More info on descriptors can be found here.
If you use a binary-installation (a platform specific download-package) there is a log-file called specterApp.log in the SPECTER_DATA_FOLDER in your user-directory. So for different platforms, default places are: * Windows: C:\\Users\\YourUser\\.specter\\specterApp.log* Linux: /home/yourUser/.specter/specterApp.log* MacOS: /Users/yourUser/.specter/specterApp.logFor pip installations, you need to look into the file specter.log in the same directory.If you still have trouble finding that file on your harddrive, have a look at the tooltip in the settings/general/Loglevel item.
If you use hardware wallets and they are usb-connected to specter-desktop then you need to use the hwibridge in the remote cases. However if your HWW is air-gapped (ColdCard, specter-diy, cobo) - then you can use remote web interface.
You need to create it in both wallets. When you start creating multisig wallet in Electrum it will give you the bech32 extended public key (ZPUB) where you can then add it to specter-desktop as well as other ZPUBS from other devices, and then add them to Electrum. After that you can start using Electrum as a signer.Electrum support got much better lately. We now have a dedicated electrum device with a specific explanation. If you're running into trouble, this video might still help a lot and gives more details.
Depending on \"what's written in somethingInHere:* If it's rpcpasswordaspin, you can lookup the password in your bitcoin.conf-file in a line like rpcpassword=YourPasswordHere* If it's usernamepassword, you won't be able to recover the password but you can deactivate it by setting it to none and restart Specter.* If it's none (or you just set it to none) you can login without any password. So hurry up with setting it again within specter.
If you have downloaded a binary, simply do it again with the new version. If you have a pip-installation (and installed it as described), use this command:pip3 install cryptoadvance.specter --upgradeTo check (before and/or afterwards) your installed version, you can use: pip3 show cryptoadvance.specter
One drawback though is that with http and external access you will not get camera scanning functionality. It is an issue if you are using specter-DIY as it's necessary to scan QR codes with signed transactions. To fix that you will need a self-signed certificate, we have a document on that here
Similar as above, add --host when starting the Specter server (to bind the Specter server to the local IP of the machine that you are running Specter on), thus python -m cryptoadvance.specter server --host You can then access the Specter server with your phone by typing _IP_OF_MACHINE_RUNNING_SPECTER:25441/ in the phone's browser.
Make sure you're using the right type of wallet. Specter is only supporting \"Nested Segwit\" and \"Native SegWit\". If you have an older wallet, where addresses are starting with \"1\" or \"3\", those funds won't be able to show up in specter. So, make sure you know which type of wallet you want to choose. Also, it's relevant whether you're watching enough addresses. By default only 20 addresses are watched. Maybe your wallet needs more so increase them in the settings-menu of the wallet.
When trying to load backups you are required to select the backup folders for either devices or wallets, you are NOT trying to select the JSON files. You can also select the specter-backup folder itself which will allow both devices and wallets to be loaded together. If you have issues doing this on the Specter app then try in browser instead.
Zhang Ya being a Top Class Red Specter is quite powerful and can even fight with multiple Red Specters alone. She has a lot of special properties, either from consuming red specters or absorbing the power of red specters around Chen Ge.
Kate Shelly had gone down in Iowa history as a hero, but to Angel she was something different, a ghost. She'd always imagined the girl died on these tracks, in that very storm, and now haunted the bridge, an angry specter looking for revenge. It was her home, and the mangled teenagers to whom Grandma referred were her victims. Angel planned to whisper \"Kate Shelly\" to Jacob, when Billy moved away from the edge. Without a sound, he was standing right behind them. 59ce067264